@incollection{fdi:010055413, title = {{C}ulture des champignons comestibles et m{\'e}dicinaux sur un coproduit ol{\'e}icole solide pour le d{\'e}veloppement durable ol{\'e}icole au {M}aroc}, author = {{L}akhtar, {H}. and {I}smaili-{A}laoui, {M}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE} ; {ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{VALORISATION} {DE} {RESIDU} {AGROINDUSTRIEL} ; {FRUIT} ; {FERMENTATION} {EN} {MILIEU} {SOLIDE} ; {SUBSTRAT} ; {CHAMPIGNON} ; {PRODUIT} {ALIMENTAIRE} ; {BIODEGRADATION} ; {ENZYME} ; {CELLULASE} ; {POLYPHENOLOXYDASE} ; {RESPIRATION} ; {AZOTE} ; {CARBONE} ; {OLIVE} ; {GRIGNON} ; {LIPASE} ; {LACCASE} ; {PEROXIDASE} ; {MAROC} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {{P}our un secteur ol{\'e}icole r{\'e}nov{\'e}, rentable et comp{\'e}titif en {M}{\'e}diterran{\'e}e = {F}or a renovated, profitable and competitive {M}editerranean olive growing sector : proceedings {O}livebioteq 2009}, numero = {}, pages = {313--322}, address = {{S}fax}, publisher = {{I}nstitut de l'{O}livier}, series = {}, year = {2009}, ISBN = {978-9938-9513-0-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055413}, }