@article{fdi:010054721, title = {{N}umerical modeling of the 26 {N}ovember 1999 {V}anuatu tsunami}, author = {{I}oualalen, {M}ansour and {P}elletier, {B}ernard and {W}atts, {P}. and {R}{\'e}gnier, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}n 26 {N}ovember 1999, at 1321 {UT}, central {V}anuatu was struck by a large offshore earthquake ({M}-w 7.5) followed by a tsunami that killed five people and caused significant damage to nearshore structures, mainly at {M}artelli {B}ay, south {P}entecost {I}sland. {T}he tsunami is simulated using the {G}eowave model. {T}he {T}sunami {O}pen and {P}rogressive {I}nitial {C}onditions {S}ystem ({TOPICS}) source component of the model simulates the initial water column deformation, and the propagation and runup are simulated with the {FUNWAVE} fully nonlinear {B}oussinesq and dispersive model. {A} special effort was made on the construction of the computational grid through comprehensive bathymetry data sets obtained especially from two multibeam bathymetric surveys performed after the earthquake and tsunami. {T}hree different tsunami sources have been considered. {T}he first one is the fault rupture itself, the second is a landslide located east of {A}mbrym {I}sland, and the third source is a submarine structure within the {S}elwyn {S}trait that will be considered as a landslide, however, with a large uncertainty because it could be a result of lava deposit as well. {I}t is found that the earthquake-derived tsunami source fits most of the postsurvey observations, in particular the overall wave amplitudes (up to 6-7 m observed and simulated). {T}he timing of the tsunami is also satisfactory when objective interpretation of the eyewitnesses is processed. {T}hus it is found that the hypothetical landslide-derived tsunami contributions are not necessary to predict the tsunami. {T}his is because they do not help in the tsunami timing but also because their wave amplitude contributions are one order of magnitude lower than that of the earthquake source.}, keywords = {{VANUATU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch. {O}ceans}, volume = {111}, numero = {{C}6}, pages = {art. no. {C}06030 -- {NIL}_1--{NIL}_13}, ISSN = {0148-0227}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1029/2005{JC}003249}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010054721}, }