@article{fdi:010053884, title = {{T}he importance of considering community-level effects when selecting insecticidal malaria vector products}, author = {{K}illeen, {G}. {F}. and {O}kumu, {F}. {O}. and {N}'{G}uessan, {R}. and {C}oosemans, {M}. and {A}deogun, {A}. and {A}wolola, {S}. and {E}tang, {J}. and {D}abir{\'e}, {R}. {K}. and {C}orbel, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {I}nsecticide treatment of nets, curtains or walls and ceilings of houses represent the primary means for malaria prevention worldwide. {D}irect personal protection of individuals and households arises from deterrent and insecticidal activities which divert or kill mosquitoes before they can feed. {H}owever, at high coverage, community-level reductions of mosquito density and survival prevent more transmission exposure than the personal protection acquired by using a net or living in a sprayed house. {M}ethods: {A} process-explicit simulation of malaria transmission was applied to results of 4 recent {P}hase {II} experimental hut trials comparing a new mosaic long-lasting insecticidal net ({LLIN}) which combines deltamethrin and piperonyl butoxide with another {LLIN} product by the same manufacturer relying on deltamethrin alone. {R}esults: {D}irect estimates of mean personal protection against insecticide-resistant vectors in {V}ietnam, {C}ameroon, {B}urkina {F}aso and {B}enin revealed no clear advantage for combination {LLIN}s over deltamethrin-only {LLIN}s ({P} = 0.973) unless both types of nets were extensively washed ({R}elative mean entomologic inoculation rate ({EIR}) +/- standard error of the mean ({SEM}) for users of combination nets compared to users of deltamethrin only nets = 0.853 +/- 0.056, {P} = 0.008). {H}owever, simulations of impact at high coverage (80% use) predicted consistently better impact for the combination net across all four sites ({R}elative mean {EIR} +/- {SEM} in communities with combination nets, compared with those using deltamethrin only nets = 0.613 +/- 0.076, {P} < 0.001), regardless of whether the nets were washed or not ({P} = 0.467). {N}evertheless, the degree of advantage obtained with the combination varied substantially between sites and their associated resistant vector populations. {C}onclusion: {P}rocess-explicit simulations of community-level protection, parameterized using locally-relevant experimental hut studies, should be explicitly considered when choosing vector control products for large-scale epidemiological trials or public health programme procurement, particularly as growing insecticide resistance necessitates the use of multiple active ingredients.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {4}, numero = {}, pages = {160}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1186/1756-3305-4-160}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053884}, }