@article{fdi:010053837, title = {{T}hree-dimensional internal spatial structure of young-of-the-year pelagic freshwater fish provides evidence for the identification of fish school species}, author = {{G}uillard, {J}. and {F}ernandes, {P}. and {L}aloe, {T}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ctive acoustic detection and characterization in three dimensions (3{D}) with multibeam sonars is a powerful technique for ecological studies of schooling fish. {T}he alpine {L}ake {A}nnecy provides ideal conditions for sampling fish with active acoustic methods: it has calm water, low species diversity, and the density of pelagic fish schools is high. {W}e carried out investigations on the internal 3{D} morphological characteristics of young-of-the-year ({Y}-{O}-{Y}) pelagic fish schools, using high resolution multibeam sonar in the vertical plane. {T}he objective was to discriminate between the two fish species that school in the lake: perch ({P}erca fluviatilis) and roach ({R}utilus rutilus). {T}o discriminate between these {Y}-{O}-{Y} fish species, we used only one characteristic of their internal spatial structure: the total number of vacuoles, defined as empty volumes inside the school, relative to the school volume. {T}wo distinct linear relationships between school volume and the total number of vacuoles were determined. {T}hese two types were consistent with the proportions of the percentage occurrence of the two different species as obtained from pelagic trawl sampling in 2004. {I}n 2008, perch was dominant (93%) in the lake, and only one relationship was detected: this relationship corresponded closely to the one in 2004 attributed to perch. {T}hus, we assume that the schooling behavior is a phenotypic expression that could be used for remote fish species identification.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}imnology and {O}ceanography. {M}ethods}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {322--328}, ISSN = {1541-5856}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.4319/lom.2011.9.322}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053837}, }