@article{fdi:010053754, title = {{P}hylogeography of the red coral ({C}orallium rubrum) : inferences on the evolutionary history of a temperate gorgonian}, author = {{A}urelle, {D}. and {L}edoux, {J}. {B}. and {R}ocher, {C}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe and {C}henuil, {A}. and {F}{\'e}ral, {J}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he red coral {C}orallium rubrum ({C}nidaria, {O}ctocorallia) is an exploited, long-lived sessile species from the {M}editerranean {S}ea and the adjacent coastline in the {A}tlantic {O}cean. {S}urveys of genetic variation using microsatellites have shown that populations of {C}. rubrum are characterized by strong differentiation at the local scale but a study of the phylogeography of this species was still lacking. {H}ere, we used seven polymorphic microsatellite loci, together with sequence data from an intron of the elongation factor 1 ({EF}1) gene, to investigate the genetic structure of {C}. rubrum across its geographical range in the western {M}editerranean {S}ea and in the {A}driatic {S}ea. {T}he {EF}1 sequences were also used to analyse the consequences of demographic fluctuations linked with past environmental change. {C}lustering analysis with microsatellite loci highlighted three to seven genetic groups with the distinction of {N}orth {A}frican and {A}driatic populations; this distinction appeared significant with {AMOVA} and differentiation tests. {M}icrosatellite and {EF}1 data extended the isolation by distance pattern previously observed for this species at the western {M}editerranean scale. {EF}1 sequences confirmed the genetic differentiation observed between most samples with microsatellites. {A} statistical parsimony network of {EF}1 haplotypes provided no evidence of high sequence divergence among regions, suggesting no long-term isolation. {S}elective neutrality tests on microsatellites and {EF}1 were not significant but should be interpreted with caution in the case of {EF}1 because of the low sample sizes for this locus. {O}ur results suggest that recent {Q}uaternary environmental fluctuations had a limited impact on the genetic structure of {C}. rubrum.}, keywords = {{R}ed coral ; {P}hylogeography ; {G}enetic structure ; {EPIC} ; {M}icrosatellites}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enetica}, volume = {139}, numero = {7}, pages = {855--869}, ISSN = {0016-6707}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/s10709-011-9589-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053754}, }