@article{fdi:010053748, title = {{P}reliminary study on the galectin molecular diversity in {M}oroccoan {P}hlebotomus papatasi sandfly populations}, author = {{G}uernaoui, {S}ouad and {G}arcia, {D}eborah and {B}oumezzough, {A}. and {F}ontenille, {D}idier and {S}ereno, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontext: {G}alactose binding protein ({P}p{G}alec) plays an important role in the specificity of {P}hlebotomus papatasi sandfly for {L}eishmania major. {T}he molecular diversity of this ligand is currently unknown but might have some influence on the ability of {P}p{G}ale{C} to efficiently recognize {L}. major in natural sandfly populations. {O}bjective: {T}o explore the molecular diversity of the {P} papatasi {G}alectin gene ({P}p{G}alec) in natural sandfly population of {M}orocco. {R}esults & conclusions: {S}equence variations of {P}p{G}alec was analyzed in 31 {P} papatasi specimens collected from endemic and non-endemic zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis foci of {M}orocco. {A}mong the 211 amino acid positions analyzed, 11 are subjected to mutation. {I}nterestingly, we observe that one mutation directly affect an amino acid known to be involved in the substrate recognition by galectin. {T}he repercussion of this polymorphism on the capacity of the galectin to efficiently bind the {L}. major {L}ipophosphoglycane ({LPG}) awaits further investigations.}, keywords = {{G}alectin binding protein ; {L}eishmania major ; molecular diversity ; {P}hlebotomus paptasi}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}ector {B}orne {D}iseases}, volume = {48}, numero = {2}, pages = {67--71}, ISSN = {0972-9062}, year = {2011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053748}, }