@article{fdi:010053555, title = {{C}haracterization of the active bacterial community involved in natural attenuation processes in arsenic-rich creek sediments}, author = {{B}runeel, {O}dile and {V}olant, {A}. and {G}allien, {S}. and {C}haumande, {B}. and {C}asiot, {C}. and {C}arapito, {C}. and {B}ardil, {A}. and {M}orin, {G}. and {B}rown, {G}. {E}. and {P}ersonne, {C}. {J}. and {L}e {P}aslier, {D}. and {S}chaeffer, {C}. and {V}an {D}orsselaer, {A}. and {B}ertin, {P}. {N}. and {E}lbaz {P}oulichet, {F}. and {A}rsene {P}loetze, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}cid mine drainage of the {C}arnoul{S}s mine ({F}rance) is characterized by acid waters containing high concentrations of arsenic and iron. {I}n the first 30 m along the {R}eigous, a small creek draining the site, more than 38% of the dissolved arsenic was removed by co-precipitation with {F}e({III}), in agreement with previous studies, which suggest a role of microbial activities in the co-precipitation of {A}s({III}) and {A}s({V}) with {F}e({III}) and sulfate. {T}o investigate how this particular ecosystem functions, the bacterial community was characterized in water and sediments by 16{S} r{RNA} encoding gene library analysis. {B}ased on the results obtained using a metaproteomic approach on sediments combined with high-sensitivity {HPLC}-chip spectrometry, several {G}ro{EL} orthologs expressed by the community were characterized, and the active members of the prokaryotic community inhabiting the creek sediments were identified. {M}any of these bacteria are beta-proteobacteria such as {G}allionella and {T}hiomonas, but gamma-proteobacteria such as {A}cidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and alpha-proteobacteria such as {A}cidiphilium, {A}ctinobacteria, and {F}irmicutes were also detected.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobial {E}cology}, volume = {61}, numero = {4}, pages = {793--810}, ISSN = {0095-3628}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/s00248-011-9808-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053555}, }