@article{fdi:010053479, title = {{A}ndean coastal uplift and active tectonics in southern {P}eru : {B}e-10 surface exposure dating of differentially uplifted marine terrace sequences ({S}an {J}uan de {M}arcona, similar to 15.4 degrees {S})}, author = {{S}aillard, {M}arianne and {H}all, {S}. {R}. and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {F}arber, {D}. {L}. and {R}egard, {V}. and {H}{\'e}rail, {G}{\'e}rard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}long the {S}an {J}uan de {M}arcona {B}ay of southern {P}eru, two spectacular sequences of preserved marine terraces record net {Q}uaternary uplift. {P}revious geomorphic analysis of these paleo-shorelines has revealed evidence of upper plate deformation and regional uplift. {H}owever, in the absence of a robust absolute dating method, these studies contain substantial uncertainties concerning the numerical dating of these marine markers and thus the corresponding calculated surface uplift rates. {H}owever, field mapping, surveying the neotectonic features and {B}e-10 dating of abraded surfaces contained within two sequences of marine terraces along this margin should allow for the robust calculation of {P}leistocene uplift rates. {T}he {S}an {J}uan de {M}arcona {B}ay lies on the southern flank of the subducting and south-migrating aseismic {N}azca {R}idge where the maximum rates of coastal uplift are expected. {I}n this locality, we measure high uplift rates ranging from 0.4 m/ka to 0.9 m/ka during the {P}leistocene. {M}argin-parallel normal faults displace several marine terraces and influence the development of bays, thereby contributing to the configuration of paleo-and present-day coastlines. {T}he faults have relatively low slip rates, <0.1 m/ka over 400 ka, and have been inactive for the last 80 ka. {T}he presence and activity of these normal faults can be directly linked to subduction zone processes, with the release and accommodation of short-term coseismic compression during megathrust subduction-zone events. {I}n contrast, the regional permanent uplift is probably controlled by post-seismic and/or interseismic strain accumulation over longer time-scales due to inelastic behavior of the upper plate. {S}ince at least the latest {P}liocene, the {S}an {J}uan de {M}arcona area has experienced long-term regional tectonic uplift that has increased since about 800 ka due to the southward migration of the subducting {N}azca {R}idge. {B}ased on migration velocity and geometry of the ridge, the influence of the {N}azca {R}idge on the uplift of the forearc should account for similar to 0.4 m/ka within 145 km south of the ridge axis. {H}ence, most of the post-400 ka mean uplift rate of the {S}an {J}uan de {M}arcona area could be explained by the {N}azca {R}idge subduction.}, keywords = {{M}arine terrace ; 10-{B}eryllium ; {CRN} dating ; {U}plift rate ; {S}lip rate ; {P}eru ; {N}azca {R}idge}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eomorphology}, volume = {128}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {178--190}, ISSN = {0169-555{X}}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.01.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053479}, }