@incollection{fdi:010053313, title = {{P}redicting the impacts and socio-economic consequences of climate change on global marine ecosystems and fisheries : the {QUEST}_fish framework}, author = {{B}arange, {M}. and {A}llen, {I}. and {A}llison, {E}. and {B}adjeck, {M}.{C}. and {B}lanchard, {J}. and {D}rakeford, {B}. and {D}ulvy, {N}.{K}. and {H}arle, {J}. and {H}olmes, {R}. and {H}olt, {J}. and {J}ennings, {S}. and {L}owe, {J}. and {M}erino, {G}. and {M}ullon, {C}hristian and {P}illing, {G}. and {R}odwell, {L}. and {T}ompkins, {E}. and {W}erner, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{PECHE} ; {PRODUCTION} {HALIEUTIQUE} ; {ESTIMATION} {DE} {STOCK} ; {PRODUCTION} {PRIMAIRE} ; {NIVEAU} {TROPHIQUE} ; {ANALYSE} {DE} {CORRESPONDANCE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {IMPACT} {DE} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {MODELE} {BIOECONOMIQUE}}, booktitle = {{W}orld fisheries : a social-ecological analysis}, numero = {14}, pages = {31--59}, address = {{O}xford}, publisher = {{W}iley-{B}lackwell}, series = {{F}ish and {A}quatic {R}esources {S}eries}, year = {2011}, ISBN = {978-1-4443-3467-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053313}, }