@article{fdi:010053132, title = {{V}ariability of shell repair in the {M}anila clam {R}uditapes philippinarum affected by the {B}rown {R}ing {D}isease : a microstructural and biochemical study}, author = {{T}rinkler, {N}. and {G}uichard, {N}. and {L}abonne, {M}aylis and {P}lasseraud, {L}. and {P}aillard, {C}. and {M}arin, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}or more than two decades, the {M}anila clam {R}uditapes philippinarum has been regularly affected by {B}rown {R}ing {D}isease ({BRD}), an epizootic event caused by the bacterium {V}ibrio tapetis and characterized by the development of a brown deposit on the inner face of valves. {A}lthough {BRD} infection is often lethal, some clams recover by mineralizing a new repair shell layer, which covers the brown deposit and fully isolates it from living tissues. {I}n order to understand this specific shell repair process, the microstructures of repaired zones were compared to those of shells unaffected by {BRD}. {I}n addition, the organic matrix associated with unaffected shells and to repair patches were extracted and compared by biochemical and immunological techniques. {O}ur results show that the repaired zones exhibit microstructures that resemble the so-called homogeneous microstructure of the internal layer, with some marked differences, like the development of crossed-acicular crystals, which form chevron-like patterns. {I}n the three tested batches of repaired layers, the matrices exhibit certain heterogeneity, i.e., they are partially to widely different from the ones of shells unaffected by {BRD}, as illustrated by {SOS}-{PAGE} and by serological comparisons. {O}ur results strongly suggest a modification of the secretory regime of calcifying mantle cells during the shell repair process. {P}olyclonal antibodies, which were developed against specific protein fractions of the shell, represent relevant tools for localizing by immunohistology the cells responsible for the repair.}, keywords = {{B}iomineralization ; {M}ollusc ; {S}hell repair ; {C}alcifying matrix ; {M}icrostructure ; {A}ntibody ; {S}ecretory regime}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {I}nvertebrate {P}athology}, volume = {106}, numero = {3}, pages = {407--417}, ISSN = {0022-2011}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jip.2010.12.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053132}, }