@article{fdi:010053115, title = {{W}hy do farmers prefer oil palm ? {L}essons learnt from {B}ungo district, {I}ndonesia}, author = {{F}eintrenie, {L}. and {C}hong, {W}. {K}. and {L}evang, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ndonesia has been the world's largest producer and exporter of palm oil since 2008. {T}his paper discussed the livelihood impacts of oil palm development in {I}ndonesia, based on lessons learnt from {B}ungo district, in the province of {J}ambi. {T}he various community-company partnerships that structure the sector are reviewed and the difficulties raised by the joint ventures schemes are discussed. {T}he merits and drawbacks of oil palm as a smallholder crop are then analysed, based on household socio-economic surveys conducted in 2007-2010. {T}he main causes of conflicts between oil palm companies and communities are unclear land tenure, and a recurrent lack of leadership in smallholders' cooperatives. {U}nder fair partnerships between smallholders and companies, oil palm could become a smallholder friendly crop. {T}he land-use profitability analysis demonstrates the high returns that can be generated by oil palm independent smallholdings, making it highly competitive with rubber, and much more profitable than rice production.}, keywords = {{N}ucleus {E}states and {S}mallholders scheme ; {I}ndependent smallholders ; {R}ubber agroforest ; {L}ivelihoods impact ; {S}umatra}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}mall-{S}cale {F}orestry}, volume = {9}, numero = {3}, pages = {379--396}, ISSN = {1873-7617}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1007/s11842-010-9122-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053115}, }