@article{fdi:010052967, title = {{I}mpacts of climate variability on the tuna economy of {S}eychelles}, author = {{R}obinson, {J}. and {G}uillotreau, {P}atrice and {J}imenez-{T}oribio, {R}. and {L}antz, {F}. and {N}adzon, {L}. and {D}orizo, {J}. and {G}erry, {C}. and {M}arsac, {F}rancis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}any small island states have developed economies that are strongly dependent on tuna fisheries. {C}onsequently, they are vulnerable to the socio-economic effects of climate change and variability, processes that are known to impact tuna fisheries distribution and productivity. {T}he aim of this study was to assess the impacts of climate oscillations on the tuna-dependent economy of {S}eychelles. {U}sing a multiplier approach, the direct, indirect and induced economic effects of the tuna industry expenditure benefiting the {S}eychelles' economy declined in 1998 by 58, 26 and 35%, respectively (mean decline: 42%), a year of strong climate oscillation in the western {I}ndian {O}cean. {M}ultivariate patterns in tuna purse-seine vessel expenditures in port were substantially modified by strong climate oscillations, particularly in 1998. {A} cointegration time-series model predicted that a 40% decline in tuna landings and transhipment in {P}ort {V}ictoria, a value commensurate with that observed in 1998, would result in a 34% loss for the local economy solely through reductions in cargo handling expenditures. {O}f several indices tested, the {I}ndian {O}scillation {I}ndex was best at predicting the probability of switching between low and high regimes of landings and transhipment, which translate into impacts for the economy. {I}t is hypothesised that a late 2006/early 2007 climate oscillation was compounded by prior overfishing to produce a stronger impact on the fishery and economy of {S}eychelles. {T}he effects of fishing and climate variability on tuna fisheries are complex and pose significant challenges for fisheries management and the economic development of countries in the {I}ndian {O}cean.}, keywords = {{C}limate variability ; {ENSO} ; {T}una fisheries ; {S}eychelles economy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {R}esearch}, volume = {43}, numero = {3}, pages = {149--162}, ISSN = {0936-577{X}}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.3354/cr00890}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010052967}, }