@article{fdi:010052906, title = {{C}an traditional forest management buffer forest depletion ? {D}ynamics of {M}oroccan {H}igh {A}tlas {M}ountain forests using remote sensing and vegetation analysis}, author = {{H}ammi, {S}. and {S}imonneaux, {V}incent and {C}ordier, {J}. {B}. and {G}enin, {D}idier and {A}lifriqui, {M}. and {M}ontes, {N}. and {A}uclair, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}n the south shore of the western {M}editerranean {B}asin, mountain forest ecosystems are degraded, mainly due to their overexploitation. {T}opographic, edaphic and climatic conditions create stressful growing conditions and sensitive ecosystems. {N}onetheless, in these ecosystems, forests remain an important resource for the subsistence of local populations. {H}istorically the vulnerability of this resource has prompted mankind to establish traditional control forms of forest and pastoral areas. {T}hese common resource management systems are still functioning in the {M}oroccan {H}igh {A}tlas {M}ountains under the name of agdal which refers to the territory, the resources and access rules laid down by the local population in order to manage the territory. {T}he estimation of land cover changes was a suitable method to evaluate the effectiveness of these community-based systems for forest conservation. {I}n this paper we highlight the impact of this traditional management on woodland dynamics in a mountainous area ({N}it {B}ouguemez {V}alley) through the use of remote sensing approaches, associated with forest structure characterisation and the analysis of social mechanisms. {A} diachronic analysis based on the comparison of aerial photographs (dated 1964) with a recent {S}pot 5 satellite image (from 2002, 2.5 m resolution) was performed. {E}stimation of changes in canopy cover percentage was achieved using a graphic chart as a base for the photo-interpretation, and a subsequent validation by field sampling. {A} map of canopy cover changes between 1964 and 2002 was produced. {E}cological measurements of trees were also achieved on field plots. {T}he results indicate that in the past 38 years, forest ecosystems have been affected by a relative decrease of 20.7% of the total forest area, and 8.7% for the mean canopy cover percentage. {H}owever, strong disparities in forest dynamics arose according to the agdal or non-agdal status of the forest. {S}ignificant progression in canopy cover is noted in controlled agdal areas but large degradation has occurred outside. {R}egarding the stand ecological conditions, we observed significant differences in the stand structure, according to the management mode. {W}e suggest through this study increased recognition of customary forest regulations, which may be adapted and extrapolated to other communities. {H}owever, from an ecological point of view, the agdal system alone is not sufficient to reach a viable management mode in the long term.}, keywords = {{M}oroccan {H}igh {A}tlas ; {F}orest ; {A}gdal ; {R}emote sensing ; {C}anopy cover ; {V}egetation structure ; {T}raditional management ; land-use changes ; aerial photographs ; juniperus-thurifera ; middle ; atlas ; cover change ; conservation ; patterns ; science ; nepal ; institutions}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}orest {E}cology and {M}anagement}, volume = {260}, numero = {10}, pages = {1861--1872}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2010.08.033}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010052906}, }