@article{fdi:010052298, title = {{A}ge and growth of {A}nguilla anguilla in the {C}amargue lagoons}, author = {{M}elia, {P}. and {B}evacqua, {D}. and {C}rivelli, {A}.{J}. and {D}e {L}eo, {G}.{A}. and {P}anfili, {J}acques and {G}atto, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ge and total length ({L}-{T}) data from a 11 year monitoring of the {A}nguilla anguilla eel population of the {C}amargue lagoons ({R}hone delta, southern {F}rance) were collected for glass, yellow and silver eels. {T}hree distinct models were calibrated to describe the growth process of undifferentiated eels, females and males, respectively. {U}ncertainty of parameter estimates was evaluated by bootstrapping. {F}emales were characterized by larger asymptotic body size ({L}-{T}) than males (580 +/- 50 v. 388 +/- 13 mm) and faster growth, whilst the {B}rody growth coefficient was larger for males than for females (means +/- {S}. {D}. 3.00 10(-3) +/- 1.68 10(-3) v. 1.73 10(-3) +/- 0.50 10(-3)). {S}exual differentiation was estimated to begin at 204 +/- 38 mm mean +/- {S}. {D}., i.e. at the end of the second year in the lagoons, well before the {LT} at which macroscopic differentiation became possible (c. 300 mm). {M}ales probably leave the lagoon or die (due to either natural or fishing mortality) within the first 3 years, whilst females can remain up to 5 years. {S}exual differentiation and maturation have a major role in shaping the {LT} structure of the population. {T}he {LT} and mass ({M}) data were fitted by allometric curves ({M} = a({LT})(b)). {T}he calibration of distinct curves for data from different years indicated that the allometric coefficient a was subject to wider interannual fluctuations than the allometric exponent b. {A} negative correlation linked the average {LT} and the allometric exponent (r = 0.58, {P} < 0 01). (c) 2006 {T}he {F}isheries {S}ociety of the {B}ritish {I}sles.}, keywords = {age and size structured demography ; {A}nguilla anguilla ; body growth ; eel ; {FRANCE} ; {CAMARGUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {F}ish {B}iology}, volume = {68}, numero = {3}, pages = {876--890}, ISSN = {0022-1112}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1111/j.0022-1112.2006.00975.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010052298}, }