@incollection{fdi:010051213, title = {{I}mpact des services de soins de sant{\'e} de base dans l'am{\'e}lioration de l'acc{\`e}s aux soins de sant{\'e} de la reproduction des populations vuln{\'e}rables du {H}aut {A}tlas de {M}arrakech}, author = {{C}herkaoui, {M}. and {B}aali, {A}. and {H}ilali, {M}.{K}. and {B}audot, {P}. and {E}l {H}amdani, {F}.{Z}. and {L}ahman, {A}. and {S}abir, {B}. and {Z}ouini, {M}. and {V}imard, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{INFRASTRUCTURE} {SANITAIRE} ; {SOINS} {DE} {SANTE} {PRIMAIRES} ; {PLANIFICATION} {FAMILIALE} ; {GROUPE} {A} {RISQUE} ; {FEMME} ; {CONTRACEPTION} ; {NAISSANCE} ; {VACCINATION} ; {PAUVRETE} ; {MILIEU} {RURAL} ; {VALLEE} ; {ENQUETE} ; {VULNERABILITE} ; {ACCES} {AUX} {SOINS} ; {SANTE} {DE} {LA} {REPRODUCTION} ; {ACCOUCHEMENT} ; {ZONE} {DE} {MONTAGNE} ; {MAROC} ; {MARRAKECH} ; {HAUT} {ATLAS} ; {AZGOUR} ; {ANOUGAL} ; {IMNANE}}, booktitle = {{S}ant{\'e} et vuln{\'e}rabilit{\'e} au {M}aroc}, numero = {}, pages = {117--133}, address = {{M}arrakech ({MAR}) ; {M}arseille}, publisher = {{U}niversit{\'e} {C}adi {A}yyad ; {LPED}}, series = {}, year = {2010}, ISBN = {978-9954-8576-3-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010051213}, }