@article{fdi:010049255, title = {{P}henotypic plasticity in fish life-history traits in two neotropical reservoirs : {P}etit-{S}aut {R}eservoir in {F}rench {G}uiana and {B}rokopondo {R}eservoir in {S}uriname}, author = {{M}erona de, {B}ernard and {M}ol, {J}. and {V}igouroux, {R}. and {C}haves, {P}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ish species are known for their large phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits in relation to environmental characteristics. {P}lasticity allows species to increase their fitness in a given environment. {H}ere we examined the life-history response of fish species after an abrupt change in their environment caused by the damming of rivers. {T}wo reservoirs of different age, both situated on the {G}uiana {S}hield, were investigated: the young {P}etit-{S}aut {R}eservoir in {F}rench {G}uiana (14 years) and the much older {B}rokopondo {R}eservoir in {S}uriname (44 years). {S}ix life-history traits in 14 fish species were studied and compared to their value in the {S}innamary {R}iver prior to the completion of {P}etit-{S}aut {R}eservoir. {T}he traits analyzed were maximum length, absolute and relative length at first maturation, proportion of mature oocytes in ripe gonad, batch fecundity and mean size of mature oocytes. {T}he results revealed a general increase of reproductive effort. {A}ll species showed a decrease in maximum length. {C}ompared to the values observed before the dam constructions, eight species had larger oocytes and three species showed an increased batch fecundity. {T}hese observed changes suggest a trend towards a pioneer strategy. {T}he changes observed in {P}etit-{S}aut {R}eservoir also seemed to apply to the 30 years older {B}rokopondo {R}eservoir suggesting that these reservoirs remain in a state of immaturity for a long time.}, keywords = {{S}outh {A}merica ; {R}eproduction ; {S}trategy ; {T}actic ; {F}ecundity ; {O}ocyte size}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}eotropical {I}chthyology}, volume = {7}, numero = {4}, pages = {683--692}, ISSN = {1679-6225}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1590/{S}1679-62252009000400018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049255}, }