@article{fdi:010048473, title = {{S}oil macrofauna under integrated crop-livestock systems in a {B}razilian {C}errado {F}erralsol}, author = {{M}archao, {R}. {L}. and {L}avelle, {P}atrick and {C}elini, {L}. and {B}albino, {L}. {C}. and {V}ilela, {L}. and {B}ecquer, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this work was to assess the effects of integrated crop-livestock systems, associated with two tillage and two fertilization regimes, on the abundance and diversity of the soil macrofauna. {F}our different management systems were studied: continuous pasture (mixed grass); continuous crop; two crop-livestock rotations (crop/pasture and pasture/crop); and native {C}errado as a control. {M}acrofauna was sampled using a modified {T}ropical {S}oil {B}iology and {F}ertility method, and all individuals were counted and identified at the morphospecies level for each plot. {A} total of 194 morphospecies were found, distributed among 30 groups, and the most representative in decreasing order of density were: {I}soptera, {C}oleoptera larvae, {F}ormicidae, {O}ligochaeta, {C}oleoptera adult, {D}iplopoda, {H}emiptera, {D}iptera larvae, {A}rachnida, {C}hilopoda, {L}epidoptera, {G}asteropoda, {B}lattodea and {O}rthoptera. {S}oil management systems and tillage regimes affected the structure of soil macrofauna, and integrated crop-livestock systems, associated with no-tillage, especially with grass/legume species associations, had more favorable conditions for the development of "soil engineers" compared with continuous pasture or arable crops. {S}oil macrofauna density and diversity, assessed at morphospecies level, are effective data to measure the impact of land use in {C}errado soils.}, keywords = {biodiversity ; crop-pasture rotation ; no-tillage ; soil invertebrates ; soil quality ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}esquisa {A}gropecuaria {B}rasileira}, volume = {44}, numero = {8}, pages = {1011--1020}, ISSN = {0100-204{X}}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048473}, }