@article{fdi:010048440, title = {{I}mpact of freshwater release in the {N}orth {A}tlantic under different climate conditions in an {OAGCM}}, author = {{S}wingedouw, {D}. and {M}ignot, {J}uliette and {B}raconnot, {P}. and {M}osquet, {E}. and {K}ageyama, {M}. and {A}lkama, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he response of climate to freshwater input in the {N}orth {A}tlantic ({NA}) has raised a lot of concern about the issue of climate stability since the discovery of abrupt coolings during the last glacial period. {S}uch coolings have usually been related to a weakening of the {A}tlantic meridional overturning circulation ({AMOC}), probably associated with massive iceberg surges or meltwater pulses. {A}dditionally, the recent increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has also raised the possibility of a melting of the {G}reenland ice sheet, which may impact the future {AMOC}, and thereby the climate. {I}n this study, the extent to which the mean climate influences the freshwater release linked to ice sheet melting in the {NA} and the associated climatic response is explored. {F}or this purpose the simulations of several climatic states [last interglacial, {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum, mid-{H}olocene, preindustrial, and future (2 x {CO}2)] are considered, and the climatic response to a freshwater input computed interactively according to a surface heat flux budget over the ice sheets is analyzed. {I}t is shown that the {AMOC} response is not linear with the freshwater input and depends on the mean climate state. {T}he climatic responses to these different {AMOC} changes share qualitative similarities for the general picture, notably a cooling in the {N}orthern {H}emisphere and a southward shift of the intertropical convergence zone ({ITCZ}) in the {A}tlantic and across the {P}anama {I}sthmus. {T}he cooling in the {N}orthern {H}emisphere is related to the sea ice cover response, which strongly depends on the responses of the atmospheric circulation, the local oceanic heat transport, and the density threshold of the oceanic convection sites. {T}hese feedbacks and the magnitude of temperature and precipitation changes outside the {N}orth {A}tlantic depend on the mean climate.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, volume = {22}, numero = {23}, pages = {6377--6403}, ISSN = {0894-8755}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1175/2009jcli3028.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048440}, }