@article{fdi:010048326, title = {{T}axonomic revision and geographic distribution of the subgenus {S}argassum (fucales, phaeophyceae) in the western and central pacific islands based on morphological and molecular analyses}, author = {{M}attio, {L}ydiane and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {V}erlaque, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he species diversity of the subgenus {S}argassum was reassessed for the southwestern {P}acific with special focus on the {S}olomon {I}slands, {V}anuatu, {F}iji, and {W}allis. {F}ive taxa were recognized on the basis of morphological characters and corroborated by {DNA} analyses of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 ({ITS}-2), chloroplastic partial rbc{LS}-operon, and mitochondrial cox3. {B}ased on the study of diagnoses and type specimens, four taxa were identified to {S}. polyphyllum {J}. {A}gardh, {S}. polycystum {C}. {A}gardh, {S}. aquifolium ({T}urner) {C}. {A}gardh, and {S}. ilicifolium ({T}urner) {C}. {A}gardh, while one taxon remained unidentified. {W}e present a key for identification that includes detailed descriptions of the species and illustrations of their morphological variability. {I}n light of our findings, we propose to consider several new synonymies for {S}. aquifolium, {S}. ilicifolium, {S}. polycystum, and {S}. polyphyllum. {W}e also include a review of {S}argassum floras from {S}amoa, {T}onga, and {N}auru and discuss species distribution in the southwest and central {P}acific. {F}inally, {DNA} phylogenies pointed to the polyphyly of section {A}canthocarpicae and underlined the need for a new section in which to place {S}. polycystum, {S}. herporhizum {S}etch. et {N}. {L}. {G}ardner, and {S}. stolonifolium {P}hang et {T}. {Y}oshida. {T}he new section {P}olycystae {M}attio et {P}ayri is described to fit species of the subgenus {S}argassum with stolon-like branches.}, keywords = {cox3 ; {DNA} phylogeny ; {F}iji ; {ITS}-2 ; rbc{LS} ; section {P}olycystae ; {S}olomon {I}slands ; taxonomy ; {V}anuatu ; {W}allis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hycology}, volume = {45}, numero = {5}, pages = {1213--1227}, ISSN = {0022-3646}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00737.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048326}, }