@article{fdi:010048241, title = {{M}ulti-scale soil moisture measurements at the {G}ourma meso-scale site in {M}ali}, author = {{R}osnay de, {P}. and {G}ruhier, {C}. and {T}imouk, {F}ranck and {B}aup, {F}. and {M}ougin, {E}ric and {H}iernaux, {P}. and {K}ergoat, {L}. and {L}e {D}antec, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper presents the ground soil moisture measurements performed over the so-called {G}ourma meso-scale site in {M}ali, {S}ahel, in the context of the {A}frican {M}onsoon {M}ultidisciplinary {A}nalysis ({AMMA}) project. {T}he {G}ourma meso-scale soil moisture network is part of a complete land surface processes observing and modelling strategy and is associated to vegetation and meteorological field measurements as well as soil moisture remote sensing. {I}t is spanning 2 degrees in latitude between 15 degrees {N} and 17 degrees {N}. {I}n 2007, it includes 10 soil moisture stations, of which three stations also have meteorological and flux measurements. {A} relevant spatial sampling strategy is proposed to characterise soil moisture at different scales including local, kilometer, super-site and meso-scales. {I}n addition to the local stations network, transect measurements were performed on different coarse textured (sand to sandy-loam) sites, using portable impedance probes. {T}hey indicate mean value and standard deviation ({STD}) of the surface soil moisture ({SSM}) at the kilometer scale. {T}his paper presents the data set and illustrates soil moisture spatial and temporal features over the {S}ahelian {G}ourma meso-scale site for 2005-2006. {U}p-scaling relation of {SSM} is investigated from (i) local to kilometer scale and (ii) from local to the super site scale. {I}t is shown to be stable in space and time (2005-2006) for different coarse textured sites. {F}or the {A}goufou local site, the up-scaling relation captures {SSM} dynamics at the kilometer scale with a 0.9% accuracy in volumetric soil moisture. {A}t the multi-site scale, an unique up-scaling relation is shown to be able to represent kilometer {SSM} for the coarse textured soils of the meso-scale site with an accuracy of 2.2% (volumetric). {S}patial stability of the ground soil moisture stations network is also addressed by the {M}ean {R}elative {D}ifference ({MRD}) approach for the {A}goufou super site where five soil moisture stations are available (about 25 km x 25 km). {T}his allows the identification of the most representative ground soil moisture station which is shown to be an accurate indicator with low variance and bias of the soil moisture dynamics at the scale of the super site. {I}ntensive local measurements, together with a robust up-scaling relation make the {G}ourma soil moisture network suitable for a large range of applications including remote sensing and land surface modelling at different spatial scales.}, keywords = {{S}oil moisture ; {G}round measurements ; {U}p-scaling ; {S}ahel ; {AMMA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {375}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {241--252}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048241}, }