@article{fdi:010048183, title = {{D}etecting age-structured effects in growth performance of coral reef fish juveniles}, author = {{M}ellin, {C}amille and {G}alzin, {R}. and {P}onton, {D}ominique and {V}igliola, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he growth performance of coral reef fish juveniles collected in different habitats is often used as a proxy for habitat quality for juveniles. {H}owever, back-calculated growth trajectories of juveniles may be age-structured, for instance, because of potential differences in initial offspring size and/or quality or size-selective mortality. {A} novel approach is proposed to isolate growth performance of coral reef fish juveniles from potential age-based factors. {J}uveniles of {C}hromis viridis ({P}omacentridae), {L}ethrinus genivittatus ({L}ethrinidae) and {S}iganus fuscescens ({S}iganidae) were collected from waters around inshore and offshore islets in a coral reef lagoon. {I}ndividual growth trajectories were back-calculated from otolith increments and compared with repeated-measures generalised linear models ({RM}-{GLM}s). {S}ettlement marks in otoliths were used to differentiate larval and juvenile growth trajectories for each individual. {F}or the 3 species, fish from around the offshore islet presented significantly larger size-at-age during their larval stage than those from from around the inshore islet. {J}uveniles of {L}. genivittatus and {S}. fuscescens from around the offshore islet remained larger than inshore juveniles at the same age, while growth curves of {C}. viridis from the 2 islets crossed at settlement so that inshore fish were larger as juveniles than offshore individuals. {RM}-{GLM}s revealed that the growth trajectory was significantly age-structured for {C}. {O}ridis only. {T}hese results suggest that post-settlement age may be used as a covariate in comparative analyses of larval growth in order to isolate growth performance from potential age-based factors.}, keywords = {{B}ack-calculation ; {B}ody size ; {G}eneralised linear models ; {N}atural selection ; {R}epeated measures ; {S}ettlement}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {B}iology}, volume = {6}, numero = {1-3}, pages = {31--39}, ISSN = {1864-7790}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.3354/ab00163}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048183}, }