@article{fdi:010046587, title = {{F}ondations politiques et d{\'e}mocratie aux {P}hilippines : le mod{\`e}le f{\'e}d{\'e}ral allemand {\`a} l'{\'e}preuve des {\^i}les}, author = {{P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{A}n impressive number of local and international {NGO}s are in operation in the {P}hilippines and amongst these are some whose purpose is to support the democratic transition of the country. {B}ased in {M}anila for approximately forty years now, the {G}erman {P}olitical {F}oundations are especially involved in the decentralising of the state, monitoring elections, backing municipalities and supporting the independence of the media. {T}he {KAS} ({K}onrad {A}denauer {S}tiftung), on which this article focuses, has also been involved in the peace negotiations of the {M}indanao conflict. {T}his crisis, stemming from the opposition of the {M}oro {M}uslim minority to a {C}hristian-led government, represented an opportunity to try to export a {G}erman federal model in order to solve a regional problem. {T}he proposal put forward did not, however, rally many people, instead being used by a tiny minority to confirm its opposition to a centralised form of government}, keywords = {{ONG} ; {DEMOCRATIE} ; {OCCIDENT} ; {ETAT} ; {REGIME} {POLITIQUE} ; {PARTI} {POLITIQUE} ; {OPPOSITION} ; {DECENTRALISATION} ; {CONFLIT} {POLITIQUE} ; {TERRORISME} ; {MINORITE} {ETHNIQUE} ; {ISLAM} ; {REGLEMENT} {PACIFIQUE} {DES} {CONFLITS} ; {AUTONOMIE} ; {REGION} ; {FEDERALISME} ; {RELATIONS} {INTERNATIONALES} ; {DEMOCRATISATION} ; {SOCIETE} {CIVILE} ; {PHILIPPINES} ; {MANILLE} ; {MUSLIM} {MINDANAO} ; {MINDANAO} {SOUTHERN} ; {ALLEMAGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}santsa}, numero = {14}, pages = {37--46}, ISSN = {1420-7834}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046587}, }