@article{fdi:010046269, title = {{A} reappraisal of the diversity of geomorphological and genetic processes of {N}ew {C}aledonian coral reefs : a synthesis from optical remote sensing, coring and acoustic multibeam observations}, author = {{A}ndr{\'e}fou{\¨e}t, {S}erge and {C}abioch, {G}uy and {F}lamand, {B}eno{\^i}t and {P}elletier, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he diversity of oceanic and continental reef structures of {N}ew {C}aledonia is reviewed, taking into account their geological history and in particular, that since the last interglacial period. {T}o guide this review, a new path is provided by following the diversity of units that have been mapped and characterized using high spatial resolution optical remote sensing data for the main {N}ew {C}aledonian coral reef complexes (banks, atolls, uplifted reefs, drowned reefs, fringing reefs, barrier reefs, patch reefs) and their individual reef-forming units. {T}his interpretation, based on geomorphology, depth, and exposure has provided 161 unit types distributed across 4,537 km(2) of reef area and 31,336 km(2) of non-reef area. {I}n addition to shallow reefs (0-30 m) described by optical remote sensing, the bathymetry of deep slopes between -20 to -1,000 m were recently mapped using multibeam acoustic data providing additional data to explain the morphological diversity. {W}ith the detailed three-dimensional topographic information acquired, hitherto unrecognized marine terraces and faulting became visible, indicating different episodes of formation of the barrier reef and of sea level variations. {F}inally, dating and coring corals provided a more accurate understanding of the genesis of the present reef structures. {I}n contrast with the synoptic remote sensing data, cores provided only point data, but allowed the addition of a precise temporal dimension to the description of {N}ew {C}aledonian reefs. {C}ores provided a significant body of the information necessary for the establishment of models of reef settlement and development during the last interglacial ages in the {N}ew {C}aledonian region. {T}he combined examination of the different sources of data, and the exhaustive description of remotely sensed reef units, allow a qualitative synoptic parallel to be drawn between the morphology of modern reefs and the contrasting patterns of reef growth, subsidence, and uplift rates occurring around {N}ew {C}aledonia.}, keywords = {{N}ew {C}aledonia ; {G}eomorphology ; {R}eef growth ; {E}ustatism ; {T}ectonic ; {R}emote sensing}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}oral {R}eefs}, volume = {28}, numero = {3}, pages = {691--707}, ISSN = {0722-4028}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s00338-009-0503-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046269}, }