@article{fdi:010044350, title = {{M}icrobiotic soil crusts in the {S}ahel of {W}estern {N}iger and their influence on soil porosity and water dynamics}, author = {{I}ssa, {O}.{M}. and {D}efarge, {C}. and {T}richet, {J}. and {V}alentin, {C}hristian and {R}ajot, {J}ean-{L}ouis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}icrobiotic soil crusts are common features of the surface of fallow land in {W}estern {N}iger. {W}e investigated the interaction between these microbial covers and the porosity and water dynamics of soils at the surface of a {S}ahelian landscape. {T}he soil pore system was examined by microscopic observations and mercury porosimetry. {T}he soil water retention capacity was measured using a {R}ichard pressure membrane apparatus. {R}unoff measurements were performed in situ at a 1 m(2) scale under natural rainfall. {S}amples with dense cyanobacterial cover had microbially-originated pores ranging from 0.04 and 50 mu m in size. {T}hese samples also showed higher total soil porosity and retained two to four times more water than samples with thin microbial cover. {T}hese properties are closely related to the hydrophobic nature of cyanobacterial components. {F}inal runoff values obtained on densely covered surfaces were significantly higher compared to those measured on surfaces with thin microbial cover due to the geometry of the microbially-originated pore system and its functioning.}, keywords = {{M}icrobiotic crusts ; {C}yanobacteria ; {P}ore geometry ; {R}unoff ; {W}ater retention ; {S}ahel}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}atena}, volume = {77}, numero = {1}, pages = {48--55}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/j.catena.2008.12.013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044350}, }