@article{fdi:010044341, title = {{H}igh frequency {B}arium profiles in shells of the {G}reat {S}callop {P}ecten maximus: a methodical long-term and multi-site survey in {W}estern {E}urope}, author = {{B}arats, {A}. and {A}mouroux, {D}. and {C}hauvaud, {L}. and {P}echeyran, {C}. and {L}orrain, {A}nne and {T}hebault, {J}. and {C}hurch, {T}.{M}. and {D}onard, {O}.{F}.{X}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}keletal barium/calcium ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell ratios were measured every third daily striae in 39 flat valves of the {G}reat {S}callop {P}ecten maximus collected in temperate coastal environments of {W}estern {E}urope. {A} methodical evaluation of the ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell ratio was performed for the first time and demonstrates that ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell profiles are reproducible for several scallop individuals from the same population (2-year old; 3 shells/year), over a 7-year period (1998 2004), and from different coastal environments in {F}rance (42-49 degrees {N}). {A}s previously determined in the shells of other bivalve species, ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell profiles generally exhibited a background ratio punctuated by two transient maxima occurring in early and late summer. {B}ackground partition coefficient ({D}-{B}a= 0.11 +/- 0.03, in 2000) was similar to that previously reported in {P}. maximus shells, suggesting a direct shell uptake of dissolved seawater {B}a ({G}illikin et al., 2008). {T}he 7-year survey in the {B}ay of {B}rest of the high frequency ([{B}a]/[{C}a])(shell) profiles in the scallop's shell was exploited to better constrain both the occurrence and the amplitude of the summer {B}a relative enrichments as influenced by environmental processes. {S}eawater {B}a contents in 2000 underlined significant particulate {B}a inputs at the sediment water interface ({SWI}) during ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell peak events. {T}hese {B}a inputs are thus suggested to be subsequently induced by a pelagic biogenic process, which mainly occurs under summer post-bloom conditions in relationship to the cycling of particulate organic matter and associated {B}a. {T}he long term survey reveals that such pelagic {B}a cycling processes are responsible for particulate {B}a inputs to the sediment water interface ({SWI}). {S}ubsequent indirect {B}a uptake by the bivalve results in higher ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell ratios, in that archived {B}a within the shell cannot be used as a direct paleo productivity tracer. {O}ur methodical approach, based on a multi-year and multi-site-survey of ([{B}a]/[{C}a]) shell ratio in {S}callop bivalves, allows us to establish the potential application of such high frequency archives for further biogeochemical and ecological investigations of bivalves in the coastal environment.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iogeosciences}, volume = {6}, numero = {2}, pages = {157--170}, ISSN = {1726-4170}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044341}, }