@article{fdi:010044318, title = {{C}hanges in the diversity and geographic distribution of cultivated millet ({P}ennisetum glaucum ({L}.) {R}. {B}r.) and sorghum ({S}orghum bicolor ({L}.) {M}oench) varieties in {N}iger between 1976 and 2003}, author = {{B}ezan{\c{c}}on, {G}illes and {P}ham, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {D}eu, {M}. and {V}igouroux, {Y}ves and {S}agnard, {F}. and {M}ariac, {C}{\'e}dric and {K}apran, {I}. and {M}amadou, {A}. and {G}{\'e}rard, {B}. and {N}djeunga, {J}. and {C}hantereau, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hanges in the diversity of landraces in centres of diversity of cultivated plants need to be assessed in order to monitor and conserve agrobioversity-a key-element of sustainable agriculture. {T}his notably applies in tropical areas where factors such as increased populations, climate change and shifts in cropping systems are hypothesized to cause varietal erosion. {T}o assess varietal erosion of staple crops in a country subjected to various anthropogenic and natural environmental changes, we carried out a study based on a comparison of the diversity of pearl millet and sorghum varieties collected in 79 villages spanning the entire cereal-growing zone of {N}iger over a 26 year period (1976-2003). {F}or these two crops, the number, name and type of varieties according to important traits for farmers were considered at different spatial scales (country, region, village) at the two collection dates. {T}he results confirmed the high diversity of millet and sorghum varieties in {N}iger. {N}o erosion of varietal diversity was noted on a national scale during the period covered. {S}ome changes were observed but were limited to the geographical distribution of certain varieties. {T}his highlights that farmers' management can preserve the diversity of millet and sorghum varieties in {N}iger despite recurrent and severe drought periods and major social changes. {I}t also indicates that rainfed cereal cropping systems in {N}iger should remain to be based on millet and sorghum, while reinforcing farmers' seed systems.}, keywords = {{A}grobiodiversity ; {G}enetic erosion ; {G}enetic resources ; {G}ermplasm ; collections ; {L}andraces ; {N}iger ; {P}earl millet ; {P}ennisetum glaucum ; {S}orghum ; {S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frica}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enetic {R}esources and {C}rop {E}volution}, volume = {56}, numero = {2}, pages = {223--236}, ISSN = {0925-9864}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10722-008-9357-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044318}, }