@article{fdi:010044266, title = {{A}ssessing the diversity and abundances of larvae and juveniles of coral reef fish : a synthesis of six sampling techniques}, author = {{C}arassou, {L}aure and {M}ellin, {C}amille and {P}onton, {D}ominique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ue to an increasing emphasis for fish population survey and regulation, efficient tools for evaluating the abundance and diversity of fish from various life stages are needed, especially for coral reef species that present a high taxonomic diversity. {T}he characteristics of six different techniques used for sampling pelagic larvae (a plankton-net and two light-traps), newly settled juveniles (one type of artificial reef), and older juveniles (an underwater seine net in seagrass and macroalgal beds, and rotenone poisoning in coral patches) are described in this study. {L}arvae belonging to 70 families and juveniles belonging to 34 families were collected. {A}n analysis of similarity ({ANOSIM}) showed that the taxonomic composition of assemblages collected with the plankton-net and the two light-traps were overlapping but clearly different, due to the higher occurrence of {G}obiidae in the plankton-net and of {P}omacentridae in both light-traps. {L}arvae being 2-4 mm standard length ({SL}) dominated in the plankton-net, whereas larvae being 9-11 mm {SL} dominated in both light-traps. {P}omacentridae juveniles were more abundant in rotenone samples, whereas {L}abridae dominated in the underwater seine. {J}uvenile fish collected with the artificial reefs, the underwater seine, and rotenone poisoning largely overlapped in size, with mean sizes of 22, 38, and 33 mm {SL}, respectively. {S}even families were caught by the six sampling techniques, but with unequal success. {T}his study provides ecologists and managers with a unique review of six techniques for sampling a wide range of developmental stages of young fish in different habitats of a coral reef lagoon.}, keywords = {{A}rtificial reefs ; {C}oral reef fish ; {J}uveniles ; {L}arvae ; {L}ight-traps ; {P}lankton-net ; {R}otenone poisoning ; {S}ampling ; {S}eine net}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iodiversity and {C}onservation}, volume = {18}, numero = {2}, pages = {355--371}, ISSN = {0960-3115}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10531-008-9492-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044266}, }