@article{fdi:010044252, title = {{C}ydia pomonella granulovirus genotypes overcome virus resistance in the codling moth and improve virus efficiency by selection against resistant hosts}, author = {{B}erling, {M}. and {B}lach{\`e}re {L}opez, {C}. and {S}oubabere, {O}. and {L}{\'e}ry, {X}avier and {B}onhomme, {A}. and {S}auphanor, {B}. and {L}opez {F}erber, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ydia pomonella granulovirus ({C}p{GV}) has been used for 15 years as a bioinsecticide in codling moth ({C}ydia pomonella) control. {I}n 2004, some insect populations with low susceptibility to the virus were detected for the first time in southeast {F}rance. {RGV}, a laboratory colony of codling moths resistant to the {C}p{GV}-{M} isolate used in the field, was established with collection of resistant insects in the field followed by an introgression of the resistant trait into a susceptible colony ({S}v). {T}he resistance level (based on the 50% lethal concentrations [{LC}(50)s]) of the {RGV} colony to the {C}p{GV}-{M} isolate, the active ingredient in all commercial virus formulations in {E}urope, appeared to be over 60,000-fold compared to the {S}v colony. {T}he efficiency of {C}p{GV} isolates from various other regions was tested on {RGV}. {A}mong them, two isolates ({I}12 and {NPP}-{R}1) presented an increased pathogenicity on {RGV}. {I}12 had already been identified as effective against a resistant {C}. pomonella colony in {G}ermany and was observed to partially overcome the resistance in the {RGV} colony. {T}he recently identified isolate {NPP}-{R}1 showed an even higher pathogenicity on {RGV} than other isolates, with an {LC}50 of 166 occlusion bodies ({OB}s)/mu l, compared to 1.36 x 10(6) {OB}s/mu l for {C}p{GV}-{M}. {G}enetic characterization showed that {NPP}-{R}1 is a mixture of at least two genotypes, one of which is similar to {C}p{GV}-{M}. {T}he 2016-r4 isolate obtained from four successive passages of {NPP}-{R}1 in {RGV} larvae had a sharply reduced proportion of the {C}p{GV}-{M}-like genotype and an increased pathogenicity against insects from the {RGV} colony.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied and {E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {75}, numero = {4}, pages = {925--930}, ISSN = {0099-2240}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1128/aem.01998-08}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044252}, }