@article{fdi:010044133, title = {{W}hy do dolphins form mixed-species associations in the {A}zores ?}, author = {{Q}u{\'e}rouil, {S}ophie and {S}ilva, {M}. {A}. and {C}ascao, {I}. and {M}agalhaes, {S}. and {S}eabra, {M}. {I}. and {M}achete, {M}. {A}. and {S}antos, {R}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ixed-species associations are temporary associations between individuals of different species that are often observed in birds, primates and cetaceans. {T}hey have been interpreted as a strategy to reduce predation risk, enhance foraging success and/or provide a social advantage. {I}n the archipelago of the {A}zores, four species of dolphins are commonly involved in mixed-species associations: the common dolphin, {D}elphinus delphis, the bottlenose dolphin, {T}ursiops truncatus, the striped dolphin, {S}tenella coeruleoalba, and the spotted dolphin, {S}tenella frontalis. {I}n order to understand the reasons why dolphins associate, we analysed field data collected since 1999 by research scientists and trained observers placed onboard fishing vessels. {I}n total, 113 mixed-species groups were observed out of 5720 sightings. {T}he temporal distribution, habitat (water depth, distance to the coast), behaviour (i.e. feeding, travelling, socializing), size and composition of mixed-species groups were compared with those of single-species groups. {R}esults did not support the predation avoidance hypothesis and gave little support to the social advantage hypothesis. {T}he foraging advantage hypothesis was the most convincing. {H}owever, the benefits of mixed-species associations appeared to depend on the species. {A}ssociations were likely to be opportunistic in the larger bottlenose dolphin, while there seemed to be some evolutionary constraints favouring associations in the rarer striped dolphin. {C}omparison with previous studies suggests that the formation of mixed-species groups depends on several environmental factors, and therefore may constitute an adaptive response.}, keywords = {{ACORES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}thology}, volume = {114}, numero = {12}, pages = {1183--1194}, ISSN = {0179-1613}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01570.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044133}, }