@article{fdi:010044070, title = {{P}leistocene separation of mitochondrial lineages of {M}ytilus spp. mussels from {N}orthern and {S}outhern {H}emispheres and strong genetic differentiation among southern populations}, author = {{G}{\'e}rard, {K}. and {B}ierne, {N}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe and {C}henuil, {A}. and {F}{\'e}ral, {J}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}mooth-shelled mussels, {M}ytilus spp., have an antitropical distribution. {I}n the {N}orthern {H}emisphere, the {M}. edulis complex of species is composed of three genetically well delineated taxa: {M}. edulis, {M}. galloprovincialis and {M}. trossulus. {I}n the {S}outhern {H}emisphere, morphological characters, allozymes and intron length polymorphisms suggest that {M}ytilus spp. populations from {S}outh {A}merica and {K}erguelen {I}slands are related to {M}. edulis and those from {A}ustralasia to {M}. galloprovincialis. {O}n the other hand, a phylogeny of the 16{S} r{DNA} mitochondrial locus demonstrates a clear distinctiveness of southern mussels and suggests that they are related to {M}editerranean {M}. galloprovincialis. {H}ere, we analysed the faster-evolving cytochrome oxidase subunit {I} locus. {T}he divergence between haplotypes of populations from the two hemispheres was confirmed and was found to predate the divergence between haplotypes of northern {M}. edulis and {M}. galloprovincialis. {I}n addition, strong genetic structure was detected among the southern samples. revealing three genetic entities that correspond to (1) {S}outh {A}merica and {K}erguelen {I}sland, (2) {T}asmania, (3) {N}ew {Z}ealand. {U}sing the trans-{A}rctic interchange as a molecular clock calibration, we estimated the time since divergence of populations from the two hemispheres to be between 0.5 million years ({MY}) and 1.3 {MY} (average 0.84 {MY}). {T}he contrasting patterns observed for the nuclear and the organelle genomes suggested two alternative, complex scenarios: two trans-equatorial migrations and the existence of differential barriers to mitochondrial and nuclear gene flow, or a single trans-equatorial migration and a view of the composition of the nuclear genome biased by taxonomic preconception.}, keywords = {{M}ytilus ; 16s rdna ; {C}oi ; {B}iological invasions ; {C}yto-nuclear discordance ; {S}outhern hemisphere ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {KERGUELEN} ; {TASMANIA} ; {NOUVELLE} {ZELANDE} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}hylogenetics and {E}volution}, volume = {49}, numero = {1}, pages = {84--91}, ISSN = {1055-7903}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ympev.2008.07.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044070}, }