@article{fdi:010042728, title = {{M}etasomatic interactions between slab-derived melts and depleted mantle : insights from xenoliths within {M}onglo adakite ({L}uzon arc, {P}hilippines)}, author = {{G}r{\'e}goire, {M}. and {J}ego, {S}. and {M}aury, {R}. {C}. and {P}olv{\'e}, {M}ireille and {P}ayot, {B}. and {T}amayo, {R}. {A}. and {Y}umul, {G}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {M}onglo adakite contains mafic and ultramafic xenoliths, which probably originated from the mantle section of an {E}arly {C}retaceous supra-subduction zone ophiolitic complex located within the {L}uzon are crust. {S}pinel-bearing dunites are dominant among this xenolith collection and display evidence for three episodes of subduction-related melt percolation. {T}he first one is evidenced by an undeformed clinopyroxene characterized by convex-upwards {REE} pattern. {T}his clinopyroxene crystallized from a calc-alkaline basaltic magma, likely formed in the {C}retaceous supra-subduction setting of the ophiolite. {T}hen, two metasomatic events, evidenced by orthopyroxene-rich and amphibole-rich secondary parageneses, respectively, affected most of the spine) dunites. {T}he opx-rich paragenesis is related to the circulation within the dunitic upper mantle of hydrous slab-derived melts similar to those affecting the mantle peridotite xenoliths from {P}apua {N}ew {G}uinea and {K}amchatka. {F}inally the amphibole-rich veins are related to the interaction between the studied dunite xenoliths and the host adakite or an adakitic melt similar to it.}, keywords = {{M}antle xenoliths ; {L}uzon arc ; {M}etasomatism ; {D}unite ; {T}race elements ; {A}dakite}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ithos}, volume = {103}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {415--430}, ISSN = {0024-4937}, year = {2008}, DOI = {0.1016/j.lithos.2007.10.013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042728}, }