@article{fdi:010042718, title = {{G}eographic structure of {E}uropean anchovy : a nuclear-{DNA} study}, author = {{B}ouchenak-{K}helladi, {Y}. and {D}urand, {J}ean-{D}ominique and {M}agoulas, {A}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}tlantic-{M}editerranean anchovies were genetically characterized at two polymorphic nuclear loci (intron 6 of two creatine-kinase genes) and compared to reference {E}ngraulis albidus and {E}. encrasicolus samples from the northern {W}estern {M}editerranean to provide new insights into their geographic structure. {N}ortheastern {A}tlantic anchovy, represented by one sample from the {C}anary archipelago and one sample from the {A}lboran {S}ea, were genetically distinct from {M}editerranean {E}. encrasicolus ({W}eir and {C}ockerham's (theta) over cap =0.027-0.311), indicating geographic isolation from either side of the {A}lmeria-{O}ran oceanographic front. {G}enerally smaller genetic differences were evident among anchovy populations from different sub-basins in the {M}editerranean ((theta) over cap= -0.019-0.116), the genetic differences between {B}lack {S}ea and {I}onian {S}ea/{A}egean {S}ea anchovies being the strongest ((theta) over cap =0.0020-116). {T}here was no evidence of the presence of {E}. albidus in our samples outside {C}amargue (northern shore of the {W}estern {M}editerranean). {H}owever, a sample from the southern {W}estern {M}editerranean appeared to be genetically intermediate between {E}. albidus and {M}editerranean {E}. encrasicolus, indicating possible hybridization. {A}nchovy from the {B}enguela current system off southern {A}frica possessed allele frequencies characteristic of {E}. albidus at one locus and {N}ortheastern {A}tlantic anchovy at the other locus, suggesting past introgression.}, keywords = {{E}ngraulis albidus ; {E} encrasicolus ; {A}tlantic-mediterranean divide ; {I}ntron-length polymorphism ; {H}ybrid swarm ; {I}ntrogression}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}ea {R}esearch}, volume = {59}, numero = {4}, pages = {269--278}, ISSN = {1385-1101}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.seares.2008.03.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042718}, }