@article{fdi:010042643, title = {{D}eriving daily evapotranspiration from remotely sensed instantaneous evaporative fraction over olive orchard in semi-arid {M}orocco}, author = {{H}oedjes, {J}oost and {C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani and {J}acob, {F}r{\'e}deric and {E}zzahar, {J}. and {B}oulet, {G}illes}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ydrology and crop water management require daily values of evapotranspiration {ET} at different time-space scale. {S}un synchronous optical remote sensing, which allows for the assessment of {ET} with high to moderate spatial resolution, provides instantaneous estimates during satellites overpass. {T}hen, usual solutions consist of extrapolating instantaneous to daily values by assuming that evaporative fraction {EF} is constant throughout the day, providing that daily available energy {AE} is known. {T}he current study aims at deriving daily {ET} values from {ASTER} derived instantaneous estimates, over an olive orchard in a semi-arid region of {M}oroccan. {I}t has been shown that {EF} is almost constant under dry conditions, but it depicts a pronounced concave up shape under wet conditions. {A} new heuristic parameterization is then proposed, which is based on the combination of routine daily meteorological data for characterizing atmospheric dependence, and on optical remote sensing based estimates of instantaneous {EF} values to take into account the dependence on soil and vegetation conditions. {U}sing the same type of approach, a similar parameterization is next developed for {AE}. {T}he validation of both approaches shows good performances. {T}he overall method is finally applied to {ASTER} data. {T}hough performances are reasonably good, their moderate reduction is ascribed to errors on remotely sensed variables. {F}uture-works will focus on method portability since its empirical formulation does not account for the direct stomata[ response to water availability, as well as on application over different surface and climate conditions.}, keywords = {{E}vapotranspiration ; {E}vaporative fraction ; {D}iurnal course ; {A}vailable energy ; {A}ster ; {S}emi-arid regions}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {354}, numero = {1-4}, pages = {53--64}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.02.016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042643}, }