@article{fdi:010042573, title = {{U}sing remotely sensed data to estimate area-averaged daily surface fluxes over a semi-arid mixed agricultural land}, author = {{C}hehbouni, {A}bdelghani and {H}oedjes, {J}oost and {R}odriquez, {J}. {C}. and {W}atts, {C}. {J}. and {G}aratuza, {J}. and {J}acob, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {K}err, {Y}ann}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ptical remote sensing has been widely used for diagnostics of land surface atmosphere exchanges, including evapotranspiration ({ET}). {E}stimating {ET} now benefits from modeling maturity at local scale, while ongoing challenges include both spatial and temporal issues: influences of spatial heterogeneities on non-linear behavior when upscaling and extrapolation of instantaneous estimates at satellite overpass to the daily scale. {B}oth issues are very important when using remote sensing for managing water resources, especially in agriculture. {T}he two main contributions of the current study are first the examination of the diurnal behavior of evaporative fraction ({EF}) and available energy ({AE}) over heterogeneous agricultural land surfaces, and second presenting a simple approach to derive area-averaged daily {ET} under such conditions. {A}rea-averaged fluxes are expressed using the same equations as those used over homogeneous areas, but whose arguments are effective expressions of the local parameters involved. {N}ext, heuristic formulations are proposed to estimate the diurnal courses of {EF} and {AE}, by combining diurnal meteorological information available from observation networks (or weather forecasts) with instantaneous estimates at satellite overpass obtained from a simple energy balance model. {T}hese investigations were conducted using ground based data collected in the semi-arid {Y}aqui valley, north-western {M}exico, over three adjacent agricultural fields which different crops and soil moisture conditions. {T}his approach accurately reproduced the diurnal course of {ET}. {H}owever, these promising results have to be confirmed using actual satellite and operational meteorological data. {T}his work is the subject of ongoing investigations.}, keywords = {semi arid regions ; remote sensing ; evapotranspiration ; evaporative fraction ; eddy covariance ; aggregation ; {MEXIQUE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gricultural and {F}orest {M}eteorology}, volume = {148}, numero = {3}, pages = {330--342}, ISSN = {0168-1923}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agrformet.2007.09.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042573}, }