@article{fdi:010042258, title = {{C}oral reef distribution, status and geomorphology-biodiversity relationship in {K}una {Y}ala ({S}an {B}las) archipelago, {C}aribbean {P}anama}, author = {{A}ndr{\'e}fou{\¨e}t, {S}erge and {G}uzman, {H}.{M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ost of the knowledge of the reef geomorphology and benthic communities of {K}una {Y}ala coral reefs ({C}aribbean {P}anama) comes from the western side of the archipelago, a few tens of kilometers around {P}unta {S}an {B}las ({P}orvenir). {T}o bridge the gap between {P}orvenir and the {C}olombia-{P}anama border, we investigated with {L}andsat images the extent and geomorphological diversity of the entire {K}una {Y}ala to provide geomorphologic maps of the archipelago in 12 classes. {I}n addition to remote sensing data, in situ survey conducted in {M}ay-{J}une 2001 provided a {K}una {Y}ala-wide first synoptic vision of reef status, in terms of benthic diversity (number of species of coral, octocorals, and sponges) and reef health (coral versus algal cover). {F}or a total reef system estimated to cover 638 km(2) along 480 km of coastline, 195 km(2) include coral dominated areas and only 35 km(2) can be considered covered by corals. {A} total of 69 scleractinian coral, 38 octocoral, and 82 sponge species were recorded on the outer slopes of reef formations, with a slightly higher diversity in the area presenting the most abundant and diverse reef formations (western {K}una {Y}ala). {A}ttempts to relate benthic diversity and geomorphological diversity provided only weak relationships regardless of the taxa, and suggest that habitat heterogeneity within geomorphological areas explain better the patterns of coral diversity. {T}his study confirms the potential of combined remote sensing and in situ surveys for regional scale assessment, and we suggest that similar approaches should be generalized for reef mapping and assessment for other reef sites.}, keywords = {{L}andsat ; remote sensing ; geomorphology ; mapping ; {S}an {B}las ; coral reef diversity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}oral {R}eefs}, volume = {24}, numero = {1}, pages = {31--42}, ISSN = {0722-4028}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1007/s00338-004-0444-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042258}, }