@article{fdi:010041623, title = {{O}verview of the biological processes available for the treatment of sugarcane mill wastewater}, author = {{M}acarie, {H}erv{\'e} and {L}e {M}er, {J}ean}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ane sugar production generates a high volume of wastewaters (1-20 m(3)/sugarcane tonne) heavily polluted by suspended solids (0.63-12 g/l) and organic matter (2-8 g {COD}/l). {C}onsequently, these wastewaters cannot be discharged directly in the environment without causing a negative impact and must be submitted to a physico-chemical treatment for removing the suspended solids followed by a biological treatment for removing soluble organic matter. {T}he {COD}/{BOD}5 ratio of these wastewaters indicates that they are easily biodegradable and practically amenable to any kind of biological treatment. {A} brief description of the existing different types of treatment is given in the article focussing on the advantages and disadvantages of each one. {A} table comparing them on the basis of the treatment unit size (volume and area), energy consumption, sludge production, final wastewater quality and staff qualification is given for a mill with the capacity to process 4,000 sugarcane tonne/day. {I}t appears from the discussion that the treatment scheme which seems to be economically the most convenient consists of an anaerobic pre-treatment followed by an aerobic polishing. {I}n some instances, the water produced by the anaerobic treatment may be of good enough quality to be at least re-used in sugarcane washing or irrigation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {S}ugar {J}ournal}, volume = {108}, numero = {1292}, pages = {431--439}, ISSN = {0020-8841}, year = {2006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010041623}, }