@article{fdi:010041528, title = {{I}nfluence of spatial heterogeneity on an emerging infectious disease: the case of dengue epidemics}, author = {{F}avier, {C}harly and {S}chmit, {D}. and {M}uller {G}raf, {C}.{D}.{M}. and {C}azelles, {B}ernard and {D}{\'e}gallier, {N}icolas and {M}ondet, {B}ernard and {D}ubois, {M}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he importance of spatial heterogeneity and spatial scales (at a village or neighbourhood scale) has been explored with individual-based models. {O}ur reasoning is based on the {C}hilean {E}aster {I}sland ({EI}) case, where a first dengue epidemic occurred in 2002 among the relatively small population localized in one village. {E}ven in this simple situation, the real epidemic is not consistent with homogeneous models. {C}onversely, including contact heterogeneity on different scales (intra-households, inter-house, inter-areas) allows the recovery of not only the {E}l epidemiological curve but also the qualitative patterns of {B}razilian urban dengue epidemic in more complex situations.}, keywords = {dengue ; urban epidemics ; heterogeneous models ; {E}aster {I}sland ; {B}razil}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}roceedings of the {R}oyal {S}ociety {B} {B}iological {S}ciences}, volume = {272}, numero = {1568}, pages = {1171--1177}, ISSN = {0962-8452}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1098/rspb.2004.3020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010041528}, }