@inproceedings{fdi:010041086, title = {{I}mpacts des fluctuations climatiques sur le r{\'e}gime des {\'e}coulements du fleuve {S}anaga au {C}ameroun, prospectives pour le 21{\`e}me si{\`e}cle}, author = {{S}ighomnou, {D}. and {S}igha {N}kamdjou, {L}. and {L}ienou, {G}. and {D}ezetter, {A}lain and {M}ah{\'e}, {G}il and {S}ervat, {E}ric and {P}aturel, {J}ean-{E}mmanuel and {O}livry, {J}ean-{C}laude and {T}choua, {F}. and {E}kodeck, {G}.{E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{BASSIN} {VERSANT} ; {CLIMAT} ; {VARIABILITE} ; {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {DEBIT} ; {ECOULEMENT} ; {MODELE} {HYDROLOGIQUE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {PRECIPITATION} ; {EVAPOTRANSPIRATION} ; {PREVISION} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {RESSOURCES} {EN} {EAU} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {SANAGA} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, numero = {80}, pages = {173--181}, booktitle = {{C}limatic and anthropogenic impacts on the variability of water resources : programme, papers, list of participants = {I}mpacts climatiques et anthropiques sur la variabilit{\'e} des ressources en eau : programme, communications, liste des participants}, year = {2007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010041086}, }