@article{fdi:010040857, title = {{C}iguatera risk assessment in two toxic sites of {F}rench {P}olynesia using the receptor-binding assay}, author = {{D}arius, {H}. {T}. and {P}onton, {D}ominique and {R}evel, {T}. and {C}ruchet, {P}. and {U}ng, {A}. and {F}ouc, {M}. {T}. and {C}hinain, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}iguatera {F}ish {P}oisoning ({CFP}) is a tropical syndrome well known in remote archipelagos where the population is still dependent on fish resources. {I}n order to assess the ciguatera risk in two islands of {F}rench {P}olynesia, {T}ubuai ({A}ustrales) and {N}uku {H}iva ({M}arquesas), a study was carried out on both {G}ambierdiscus populations as well as on various fish species using the receptor-binding assay ({RBA}) to detect and quantify ciguatoxins. {R}elationship between {RBA} data and size or weight of fish was evaluated, and when only few individuals for a particular species were available the trophic level was used to help comparisons between studied areas. {A}ccording to epidemiological data, toxic versus safe areas were explored and compared in both islands. {I}n {T}ubuai {I}sland, {G}ambierdiscus cells were surprisingly absent in the north area, considered as a toxic area, but almost 94% of fishes were classified as {RBA}. {I}n contrast, the south area, supposed to be safe, was evolving to be a risky area because of the presence of {G}ambierdiscus cells and 74% of fishes being {RBA}(+). {I}n {N}uku {H}iva {I}sland, {G}ambierdiscus cells were present in the toxic areas, {A}naho, {T}aiohae and {T}aipivei, with two toxic blooms in {A}naho {B}ay, but none in {T}erre {D}eserte, the fishing area of this island. {W}ith {RBA} data, fishes were analyzed to be {RBA}(+) at a high percentage in {A}naho and {T}aiohae, higher than in {T}aipivei and {T}erre {D}eserte areas. {I}n general, our findings were congruent with epidemiological data and the knowledge of local people only for risky fish species.}, keywords = {ciguatera risks ; {G}ambierdiscus ; fish ; ciguatoxins detection ; receptor binding assay}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}oxicon}, volume = {50}, numero = {5}, pages = {612--626}, ISSN = {0041-0101}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1016/j.toxicon.2007.05.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040857}, }