@article{fdi:010040794, title = {{A} sociohistorical transition. {T}rade in forest products and bride-price among the {P}unan {T}ubu of {E}astern {K}alimantan}, author = {{C}{\'e}sard, {N}icolas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ost of the former nomadic {P}unan of {K}alimantan ({B}orneo) reside along the large rivers of the hinterland. {F}or almost a century in northeastern {K}alimantan the increased trade in forest products along the {T}ubu {R}iver, as well as the settling process, had a significant impact on the {P}unan {T}ubu's social system and the interaction of the different groups with the outside world. {T}he article analyses and summarises the continuity between the commercial trade of the past and the current "brideprice" as exemplified by the {P}unan {T}ubu - at first glance two unrelated spheres. {A} sociohistorical review highlights the effects of the evolution of trade and the emergence of new goods, of the neighbouring {D}ayak groups' influence, and of the adoption of complex marriage payments.}, keywords = {{B}orneo ; {P}unan ; nomads ; social ; change ; forest products ; trade ; marriage ; bride price}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nthropos}, volume = {102}, numero = {2}, pages = {455--477}, ISSN = {0257-9774}, year = {2007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040794}, }