@article{fdi:010040763, title = {{P}ersistence of full glacial conditions in the central {P}acific until 15,000 years ago}, author = {{B}lard, {P}. {H}. and {L}ave, {J}. and {P}ik, {R}. and {W}agnon, {P}atrick and {B}ourl{\`e}s, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he magnitude of atmospheric cooling during the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum and the timing of the transition into the current interglacial period remain poorly constrained in tropical regions, partly because of a lack of suitable climate records(1). {G}lacial moraines provide a method of reconstructing past temperatures, but they are relatively rare in the tropics. {H}ere we present a reconstruction of atmospheric temperatures in the central {P}acific during the last deglaciation on the basis of cosmogenic {H}e-3 ages of moraines and numerical modelling of the ice cap on {M}auna {K}ea volcano, {H}awaii-the only highland in the central {P}acific on which moraines that formed during the last glacial period are preserved(2). {O}ur reconstruction indicates that the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum occurred between 19,000 and 16,000 years ago in this region and that temperatures at high elevations were about 7 degrees {C} lower than today during this interval. {G}lacial retreat began about 16,000 years ago, but temperatures were still about 6.5 degrees {C} lower than today until 15,000 years ago. {W}hen combined with estimates of sea surface temperatures in the central {P}acific {O}cean(3), our reconstruction indicates that the lapse rate during the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum was higher than at present, which is consistent with the proposal that the atmosphere was drier at that time(1,4). {F}urthermore, the persistence of full glacial conditions until 15,000 years ago is consistent with the relatively late and abrupt transition to warmer temperatures in {G}reenland(5), indicating that there may have been an atmospheric teleconnection between the central {P}acific and {N}orth {A}tlantic regions during the last deglaciation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature}, volume = {449}, numero = {7162}, pages = {591--594}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1038/nature06142}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040763}, }