@article{fdi:010040675, title = {{G}enome sizes and ploidy levels in {M}exican cactus pear species {O}puntia ({T}ourn.) {M}ill. series {S}treptacanthae {B}ritton et {R}ose, {L}eucotrichae {DC}., {H}eliabravoanae {S}cheinvar and {R}obustae {B}ritton et {R}ose}, author = {{S}egura, {S}. and {S}cheinvar, {L}. and {O}lalde, {G}. and {L}eblanc, {O}livier and {F}ilardo, {S}. and {M}uratalla, {A}. and {G}allegos, {C}. and {F}lores, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he ploidy levels and amounts of {DNA} of 23 {O}puntia species from {M}exico were determined by flow cytometry. {F}our different ploidy levels (2n = 2x, 2n = 4x, 2n = 6x, 2n = 8x) with 2{C}-{DNA} amount ranging from 4.17 pg ({O}puntia incarnadilla {G}riffiths) to 6.53 pg ({O}puntia heliabravoana {S}cheinvar) were determined among the samples analyzed. {P}olyploidy is widespread (93%) among these {O}puntia species. {O}puntia helia-bravoana {S}cheinvar was the sole diploid species. {O}puntia leucotricha {DC}. (2{C} = 5.71 pg), {O}puntia spinulifera {S}alm-{D}yck (2{C} = 5.51 pg), {O}puntia robusta {W}endl. ex {P}feiff. var. larreyi ({F}. {A}. {C}. {W}eber) {B}ravo (2{C} = 4.98 pg), and {O}puntia elizondoana {E}. {S}anchez et {V}illasenor (2{C} = 5.29 pg) were tetraploids. {O}puntia oligacantha {C}. {F}. {F}orst. (2{C} = 5.33 pg), {O}puntia incarnadilla {G}riffiths and {O}puntia matudae {S}cheinvar (2{C} = 5.25 pg) were hexaploids. {O}puntia zamundioi {S}cheinvar (2{C} = 4.35 pg), {O}puntia lasiacantha {P}feiff. (2{C} = 4.88 pg), {O}puntia hyptiacantha {F}. {A}. {C}. {W}eber (2{C} = 4.84 pg), {O}puntia streptacantha {L}em. ssp. streptacantha (2{C} = 4.64 pg) and {O}puntia streptacantha {L}em. subsp. aguirrana {S}cheinvar et {A}. {R}odriguez (2{C} = 4.43 pg), {O}puntia megacantha {S}alm-{D}yck (2{C} = 5.01 pg), {O}puntia joconostle {F}.{A}.{C}. {W}eber. ex {D}iguet (2{C} = 4.70 pg), {O}puntia ficus-indica ({L}.) {M}iller (2{C} = 4.90 pg), {O}puntia albicarpa {S}cheinvar (2{C} = 4.80 pg), {O}puntia amarilla {G}riffiths (2{C} = 4.84 pg), {O}puntia chavena {G}riffiths (2{C} = 4.70 pg), {O}puntia cochinera {G}riffiths (2{C} = 5.10 pg), {O}puntia fuliginosa {G}riffiths (2{C} = 4.64 pg), {O}puntia pachona {G}riffiths (2{C} = 4.70 pg), {O}puntia cretochaeta {G}riffiths (2{C} = 4.35 pg), {O}puntia rzedowskii {S}cheinvar (2{C} = 4.77 pg), {O}puntia robusta {W}endl. ex {P}feiff. ssp. robusta ( 2{C} = 4.98 pg) and {O}puntia robusta {W}endl. ex {P}feiff. var. guerrana ({G}riffiths) {S}anchez-{M}ejorada (2{C} = 5.05 pg) were all octoploids. {T}he series {S}treptacanthae {B}ritton et {R}ose showed a high level of ploidy with octoploid species except for {O}puntia heliabravoanae {S}cheinvar (2n = 2x), {O}puntia elizondoana {E}. {S}anchez and {V}illasenor (2n = 4x) and {O}. matudae {S}cheinvar (2n = 6x). {O}puntia spinulifera {S}alm-{D}yck was determined to be as a tetraploid species. {S}eries {L}eucotrichae {DC}. grouped tetraploid and hexaploid species. {T}he monospecific series {H}eliabravoanae {S}cheinvar has one species: {O}puntia heliabravoana {S}cheinvar diploid (2n = 2x). {T}he monospecific series {R}obustae {B}ritton et {R}ose seems to be a contradictory group; containing three varieties: {O}puntia robusta {W}endl. ex {P}feiff. ssp. robusta and {O}puntia robusta {W}endl. ex {P}feiff. var. guerrana ({G}riffiths) {S}anchez-{M}ejorada as octoploid taxa and: {O}puntia robusta {W}endl. ex {P}feiff. var. larreyi ({F}. {A}. {C}. {W}eber) {B}ravo which is tetraploid. {I}n earlier report {R}afael del {C}astillo and {M}ario {G}onzalez-{E}spinosa (1988) indicate that the arborescent varieties of this species are diploid and the postrate variety tetraploid. {I}mplications for botanical systematics, genetic resources and breeding are discussed.}, keywords = {nopal ; xoconostle ; {DNA} ; content flow cytometry ; genetic resources ; {O}puntia}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enetic {R}esources and {C}rop {E}volution}, volume = {54}, numero = {5}, pages = {1033--1041}, ISSN = {0925-9864}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1007/s10722-006-9196-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040675}, }