@inproceedings{fdi:010038644, title = {{P}resence of moulds during olive post harvest process in {M}orocco and detection of mycotoxins in the end products}, author = {{R}oussos, {S}evastianos and {A}ugur, {C}hristophe and {P}erraud {G}aime, {I}sabelle and {R}io, {B}ernard and {C}heheb, {M}. and {S}alih, {G}. and {L}amrani, {K}. and {I}smaili-{A}laoui, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{BIOTECHNOLOGIE} ; {FERMENTATION} ; {FRUIT} ; {MOISISSURE} ; {MYCOTOXINE} ; {CHROMATOGRAPHIE} {EN} {PHASE} {LIQUIDE} ; {OLIVE} ; {HUILE} ; {OCHRATOXINE} ; {AFLATOXINE} ; {TECHNOLOGIE} {APRES} {RECOLTE} ; {MAROC}}, numero = {}, pages = {443}, booktitle = {{B}iotechnologies et qualit{\'e} des produits de l'olivier dans le bassin m{\'e}diterran{\'e}en = {B}iotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the {M}editerranean basin}, year = {2006}, ISBN = {9981-801-71-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010038644}, }