@article{fdi:010038122, title = {{C}rustal structure beneath the {S}trait of {J}uan de {F}uca and southern {V}ancouver {I}sland from seismic and gravity analyses}, author = {{G}raindorge, {D}avid and {S}pence, {G}. and {C}harvis, {P}hilippe and {C}ollot, {J}ean-{Y}ves and {H}yndman, {R}. and {T}r{\'e}hu, {A}.{M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}ide angle and vertical incidence seismic data from {S}eismic {H}azards {I}nvestigations in {P}uget {S}ound ({SHIPS}), gravity modeling, and seismicity are used to derive two dimensional crustal models beneath the {S}trait of {J}uan de {F}uca. {T}he {E}ocene volcanic {C}rescent {S}iletz terrane is significantly thicker than previously recognized and extends from near the surface to depths of 22 km or greater. {F}or the northern strait, a weak midcrustal reflector, dipping east from 12 to 22 km depth, is inferred from wide angle reflections. {A} stronger deeper reflector, dipping eastward from 23 to 36 km depth, is associated with the top of "reflector band {E}," a zone of high reflectivity on coincident {M}ultichannel {S}eismic ({MCS}) data, interpreted as a shear zone. {A} high velocity zone (7.60 ± 0.2 km s 1) between these reflectors is interpreted as a localized slice of mantle accreted with the overlying {C}rescent {S}iletz terrane. {F}or the southern strait, no deep high velocity layer is observed and the {E} band reflectivity is weaker than to the north. {A} strong deep reflector, interpreted as the oceanic {M}oho dips eastward from 35 to 42 km. {S}eismicity within the subducting slab occurs mainly above the inferred oceanic {M}oho. {G}ravity modeling, constrained by the wide angle seismic models and seismicity, is consistent with the inferred large thickness of {C}rescent {S}iletz and high density rocks (3030 kg m 3) in the lower crust.}, keywords = {{CROUTE} {OCEANIQUE} ; {GRAVIMETRIE} ; {SUBDUCTION} ; {GEOLOGIE} {MARINE} ; {SISMOTECTONIQUE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {SISMICITE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {NORD} ; {JUAN} {DE} {FUCA} {ILE} ; {VANCOUVER} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, volume = {108}, numero = {{B}10}, pages = {1--23}, ISSN = {0418-0227}, year = {2003}, DOI = {10.1029/2002{JB}001823}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010038122}, }