@article{fdi:010037874, title = {{A}zimuthal resistivity soundings over a steeply dipping anisotropic formation - {A} case history in central {T}unisia}, author = {{S}chmutz, {M}. and {A}ndrieux, {P}. and {B}obachev, {A}. and {M}ontoroi, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {N}asri, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}zimuthal {R}esistivity {S}oundings ({ARS}), using the so-called "{A}rrow-type array" as proposed by {B}olshakov et al. were carried out in {C}entral {T}unisia, together with azimuthal resistivity tomography, because of the known anisotropic behaviour of the nearly vertical formations. {F}irst, the developments designed by {B}olshakov et al. are reviewed: they deal with the separation between the effects of anisotropy and of heterogeneities, the design of the {A}rrow-type array and the introduction of the azimuthal spectral analysis. {S}econd, the main methodological results obtained near {G}ouazine {L}ake are presented: (1) the clear effect of a quasi-vertical contact and (2) the characterisation of the anisotropic substratum below a thin superficial layer in one site close to the axis of the valley: the strike direction (alpha = 50 degrees {N}), and a rather high anisotropy coefficient (lambda approximate to 4) are determined. {A}nd lastly two directions for further developments are suggested. ({C}) 2006 {E}lsevier {B}.{V}. {A}ll rights reserved.}, keywords = {{ARS} azimuthal resistivity sounding ; anisotropy ; {T}unisia ; direct current}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {G}eophysics}, volume = {60}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {213--224}, ISSN = {0926-9851}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jappgeo.2006.05.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037874}, }