@article{fdi:010037783, title = {{E}ffects of regime shifts on the population dynamics of the grey-sided vole in {H}okkaido, {J}apan}, author = {{S}aitoh, {T}. and {C}azelles, {B}ernard and {V}ik, {J}. {O}. and {V}iljugrein, {H}. and {S}tenseth, {N}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e explored the effects of regime shifts (drastic changes usually observed in marine ecosystems, corresponding to climatic variability) in a terrestrial system focusing on a key event that occurred in 1976-77. {W}e used data on the gray-sided vote {C}lethrionomys rufocanus ({S}undevall, 1846) from 89 time series covering 31 yr (1962-1992), recorded in {A}sahikawa, {H}okkaido, {J}apan, where both cyclic and non-cyclic populations occur. {W}avelet analyses demonstrated a clear shift of dynamic patterns in the mid-1970s, presumably resulting from the {A}leutian {L}ow {P}ressure (as measured by the {A}leutian {L}ow {P}ressure {I}ndex). {T}he vole populations exhibited erratic fluctuations until the mid-1970s, and then changed their pattern to cyclic fluctuations at a 4 yr interval. {T}he structure of density dependence changed during the regime shift. {A}lthough the strength of direct density dependence was similar, delayed density dependence became stronger after the shift, {A}ltogether these findings suggest that changing climate may affect the ecological interactions among voles, predators and resources.}, keywords = {{A}leutian {L}ow {P}ressure ; {C}lethrionomys rufocanus ; cycle ; density dependence ; {H}okkaido}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {R}esearch}, volume = {32}, numero = {2}, pages = {109--118}, ISSN = {0936-577{X}}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.3354/cr032109}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037783}, }