@article{fdi:010037655, title = {{D}istributions of mortality risk attributable to low nutritional status in {N}iakhar, {S}enegal}, author = {{G}arenne, {M}ichel and {M}aire, {B}ernard and {F}ontaine, {O}. and {B}riend, {A}ndr{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study proposes a method for computing the distributions of mortality risk attributable to malnutrition among children of developing countries. {P}opulation distributions of nutritional status were adjusted with a normal curve and the relation between mortality and nutritional status was fitted with a linear logistic model after controlling for age. {T}he attributable risk for mortality could therefore be computed at any threshold of low nutritional status. {T}he method was applied in {N}iakhar, {S}enegal, where a comprehensive study of the relation between nutritional status and mortality was conducted in 19831984 on similar to 5000 children, 6-59 mo of age. {T}he anthropometric indicators used were {Z}-scores of weight-for-age, weight-for -height, height-for-age, head circumference-for-age, arm circumference-for-age, triceps skinfold-for-age, and subscapular skinfold-for-age, plus arm circumference, body mass index, and 2 composite indicators. {P}opulation attributable fraction varied according to indicators selected and ranged from 31% (head circumference) to 65% (arm circumference). {T}he 2 composite indicators summarizing the whole nutritional status provided the same value for the population attributable fraction (59 and 60%, respectively). {C}lassic thresholds of mild, moderate, and severe malnutrition are presented, as well as the bivariate distribution of wasting and stunting. {W}hatever the indicator used, mortality attributable risks appeared evenly distributed along the scale of low nutritional status. {O}ur findings question the value of using classic thresholds of mild, moderate, and severe malnutrition (developed by clinicians for practical purposes) for nutritional epidemiology.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {N}utrition}, volume = {136}, numero = {11}, pages = {2893--2900}, ISSN = {0022-3166}, year = {2006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037655}, }