@article{fdi:010035701, title = {{E}ffects of climate and different management strategies on {A}edes aegypti breeding sites : a longitudinal survey in {B}rasilia ({DF}, {B}razil)}, author = {{F}avier, {C}harly and {D}egallier, {N}icolas and {R}ibeiro {V}ilarinhos, {P}.{D}.{T}. and de {C}arvalho, {M}.{D}.{L}. and {C}avalcanti {Y}oshizawa, {M}.{A}. and {K}nox, {M}.{B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{OBJECTIVE} {T}o determine the influence of climate and of environmental vector control with or without insecticide on {A}edes aegypti larval indices and pupae density. {METHODS} {A}n 18-month longitudinal survey of infestation of {A}e. aegypti immature stages was conducted for the 1015 residences (premises) of {V}ila {P}lanalto, an area of {B}rasilia where the {B}reteau {I}ndex was about 40 before the study. {T}his area was divided into five zones: a control zone with environmental management alone and four zones with insecticide treatment (methoprene, {B}ti, temephos). {W}e tested for significant differences between infestation levels in the control and insecticide-treated areas, for relationships between climatic variables and larval indices, and to determine risk factors of infestation for certain types of premises and containers. {RESULTS} {E}nvironmental vector control strategies dramatically decreased infestation in the five areas. {N}o significant differences could be detected between control strategies with insecticide and without. {S}ome premises and container types were particularly suitable for breeding. {T}he influence of climate on the emergence of {A}e. aegypti adults for the area is described. {CONCLUSION} {I}n a moderately infested area such as {B}rasilia, insecticides do not improve environmental vector control. {R}ather, infestations could be further reduced by focusing on residences and containers particularly at risk. {T}he nature of the link between climate and larval population should be investigated in larger-scale studies before being used in forecasting models.}, keywords = {{A}edes aegypti ; management strategies ; longitudinal survey ; breeding sites ; larval {S}tegomyia indices ; pupae}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ropical {M}edicine and {I}nternational {H}ealth}, volume = {11}, numero = {7}, pages = {1104--1118}, ISSN = {1360-2276}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01653.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010035701}, }