@techreport{fdi:010026038, title = {{T}he rodent problem in {M}adagascar : agricultural pest and threat to human health}, author = {{D}uplantier, {J}ean-{M}arc and {R}akotondravony, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {M}adagascar the rodent problem is linked to one species, the black rat (#{R}attus rattus$). {T}his chapter will describe its population dynamics in agro-ecosystems and its impact in agricultural crops, in stored grain, on human health and on the endemic rodent community. {T}he black rat has spread absolutely everywhere : from sea level to more than 2,000 m - in houses, fields and also in the forests. {I}t represents more than 95% of rodent catches in the fields and inside houses. {R}eproduction of rats living in fields stops during the cold season when their maximul annual abundance is observed. {I}rrigated rice crops suffer the greatest damage with losses estimated at 2.5% of the harvest. {R}odent damage is also important for pluvial rice and to a lesser degree for cassava, sweet potatoes and tomatoes. {D}amage to cacao and sugar cane are important only in the small, poorly-maintained personal plantations. {P}lague is undeniably the most important disease linked with rodents in {M}adagascar. {I}t is endemic to the centre of the island in rural areas located above 800 m and its revalence is increasing. {R}odent control in {M}adagascar is extremely complex because of the economic difficulties facing the country and because the black rat has displayed such successful colonisation in absolutely all habitats. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ANIMAL} {NUISIBLE} ; {RAT} ; {BIOLOGIE} ; {REPRODUCTION} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {VARIATION} {SAISONNIERE} ; {VARIATION} {INTERANNUELLE} ; {ESPECE} {ENDEMIQUE} ; {ESPECE} {MENACEE} ; {COMPETITION} {INTERSPECIFIQUE} ; {STRUCTURE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {AGRICULTURE} ; {PERTE} {DE} {RECOLTE} ; {SANTE} {PUBLIQUE} ; {MALADIE} ; {PESTE} ; {METHODE} {DE} {LUTTE} ; {LUTTE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {EDUCATION} {SANITAIRE} ; {ANIMAL} {RESERVOIR} ; {MADAGASCAR}}, address = {s.l.}, publisher = {{ACIAR}}, series = {}, pages = {441-459}, year = {1999}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010026038}, }