@incollection{fdi:010025386, title = {{T}he external mechanisms responsible for morphological variability in recent ostracoda : seasonality and biotope situation : an example from lake {T}iticaca}, author = {{C}arbonel, {P}. and {M}ourguiart, {P}hilippe and {P}eypouquet, {J}.{P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he environmental mechanisms directly responsible for variations recorded in the ornamentation of ostracos are well known. {T}hey concern mainly the carbonate equilibrium at the water/sediment interface (reticulation phenomenon sensu lato) and the impact of the input of fine-grained and all allochthonous matter on biotopes (nodation and microconation phenomena) ({R}esume d'auteur).}, keywords = {{OSTRACODE} ; {MORPHOLOGIE} ; {HOLOCENE} ; {BIOTOPE} ; {ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {VARIATION} {SAISONNIERE} ; {SAISON} {HUMIDE} ; {SAISON} {SECHE} ; {PALEOFAUNE} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {PEROU} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {TITICACA} {LAC}}, booktitle = {{O}stracoda and global events}, numero = {}, pages = {331--340}, address = {{L}ondres}, publisher = {{C}hapman}, series = {}, year = {1990}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010025386}, }